Basic Informations

Officially, Poland is now 1038 years old. Its formal beginning is the year 966 when the ruling prince, Mieszko I, decided to adopt Christianity as the official religion of his people, thus establishing political bonds with the rest of civilised Europe.

The name "Poland" - in Latin "Polonia" and in Polish "Polska" comes from the name of the tribe "Polanie", who used to inhabit the western part of today's country. It used to mean: people living in open fields.Our national colours are red and white. They can be seen on our flag and emblem.

Poland is one of the largest countries in Europe, a member of the European Union and NATO. It has around 38 million citizens.Poland lies in the central part of the European continent, the geometrical centre of which is near Warsaw.


The geographical location and surface features are the two most important factors determining the climate of Poland. The climate has transitional character between the maritime and continental climates. Winters are sometimes mild and sometimes cold, similarly the summers are cool and rainy or hot and dry. Generally, summer is usually warm and the most pleasant time to visit, but the plentiful sunshine is mixed together with rain. Spring starts in March with temperatures varying from -1 to +20 °C, until about April or May. July is the hottest month, but the rest of the summer is also quite warm with temperatures from 21 to 32 °C. Initially warm September is the beginning of Poland's autumn. Thereafter, the days become more cold until December expecially when winter begins and the temperature drops from a few degrees below zero to sometimes - 40 °C. Winter lasts from December to March and includes shorter or longer period of snow. In the high mountains snow lies till May.

Costs of living

Average costs of living in Poland

The official Polish currency is the Polish zloty (PLN).

1 EUR = 4,0 PLN; 1 USD = 3,0 PLN

All the costs listed below are estimated only. Actual costs of living will vary depending on individual needs and lifestyle. We estimate that 1500 PLN per month is a minimum to cover housing costs, meals, city transportation and some personal expenses.

1. Housing costs

Accommodation in a dormitory - 380 - 600 PLN

A room in a shared flat - starts from 700-1000 PLN monthly

A studio in the city centre - starts from 1500 -2000PLN monthly

The prices vary depending on location, size and living standards.

2. Food

Estimated cost - 300-600 PLN monthly

Lunch at a fast food restaurant - 10-20 PLN

3. Basic products - some example prices

Loaf of bread - 2,5 PLN

Milk - 2,5 PLN (1 litre)

Eggs (10) - 4,50 PLN 

Cheese - from 20 PLN per 1 kg

Washing detergent - from 5 PLN per 400 grams

4. Entertainment

Cinema - 12-22 PLN

Theatre - 20-100 PLN

Concerts - around 100 PLN

Clubs (entrance fee) - 10-30 PLN

5. City Transportation

30-day city card that allows travel on all means of transport - 55 PLN (student rate)

90-day city card that allows travel on all means of transport -140 PLN (student rate)

Single ticket valid for one ride (bus, tram or underground) - 1,70 PLN (student rate)

6. Trips

Railway transport:. Depending on distance and type of train and costs are 40-200 PLN.

Hostels - 30-60 PLN per night, depending on season, location and standard.
